Las Vegas escorts come in all shapes and sizes. Men, women, and couples have the ability to book an escort service in order to obtain companionship for an hour, a night, or extended periods of time.
It is important to note that escorts are booked as companionship. It is not a form of prostitution. All of Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, prohibits prostitution.
Escorts by Activity
Escorts are often made available for certain activities. It allows clients to book knowing that they will receive a certain level of entertainment for a set amount of time. It helps to narrow down the possibilities says Sunny of one of the largest escort services located in Las Vegas, NV.
GFE escorts, known for providing the "girlfriend experience" are some of the most popular. Clients who wish to engage in girlfriend-style dates will be able to book time with escorts. The time spent together might include going to dinner, a nightclub, or even attending a personal event/function.
Individuals who want to have a "plus one" at a wedding, reunion or any other function would book time for a girlfriend experience girl.
Escorts might also be available for such activities as
- Fetish
- Role-playing
- Massage
There are some clients who don't want to walk into a massage parlor. However, they do want to obtain a sensual massage. By booking with escorts, they are able to get the massage within their room, along with a wide array of other services.
All activities are considered to be for purposes of companionship and are between consenting adults.
Escorts by type
Agencies often create galleries on their website in order to showcase all of the escorts they have available. They are sometimes categorized by type.
By providing an array of escorts, clients are able to choose a girl based on their personal preference.
Types include
- Asian
- Blonde
- Brunette
- Redhead
- Mature
Depending upon the agency, clients might have other types of escorts made available to them as well. There might also be a gallery where clients are able to view the girls ahead of time. This eliminates surprises and ensures that a person is able to get more of what they want.
All of the girls fit a "type" that is desired within the industry. Studies show that Asians are amongst the most desirable because of the obsession that Western men have with women from the Orient.
BBWs are known as "big beautiful women" and simply define women that have more curves than some of the other women within the agency.
The average escorts at an agency are 22 years old. Men, women, and couples who are seeking a woman in her 30s or even 40s would request mature escorts.
Questions to Ask Prior to Booking an Escort
Agencies vary dramatically throughout Las Vegas. Individuals or couples who wish to book companionship with Las Vegas escorts should take the time to ask questions. These might be answered on an agency's website or by calling at the time of booking.
What are the rates?
The rates are often set by the girls. Rates will often vary based on the attractiveness and open-mindedness of the girl. Additionally, discounts might be provided when a client chooses to book for extended periods of time.
How is payment made?
Payment is often made in cash to the girl upon her arrival. Most agencies will take a credit card as a way of holding the reservation but do not actually charge it. The industry as a whole focuses on helping clients to maintain their privacy, which is why credit cards are generally not taken as payment.
How much time is available?
Most agencies require a minimum of one hour to be spent by the girl of a client's choosing. The availability will depend on the girl as well as if she has other clients already scheduled for the night. Many escorts will advertise that they are available days, nights, or even for full weeks.
What are the services provided?
The services provided fall within the category of companionship. Escorts will accompany a person out on the town or they will stay within the hotel room. Most agencies will not provide a full list of services that will be provided as it is always at the discretion of the girl when she arrives.
Can escorts spend the night?
Escorts have the ability to spend the night if it is in the package that is ordered. Some escorts will offer it and others will not. It is often a preference and comfort. Clients who wish to have an escort spend the night with them will pay more for the privilege of having it happen.
People from around the world visit Vegas. The girls at the agencies are used to meeting men, women and couples. Knowing the differences at the agencies and how to book a girl can lead to more excitement for a night or even the duration of a business trip.